
What Can I Do to Make Sure I’m Not Stranded by a Dead Car Battery?

The Easiest Ways to Avoid a Dead Car Battery

There’s a lot that goes into maintaining and servicing your new Ford car, truck or SUV. Don’t worry, none of it is very hard or time-consuming, but it all does need to be done. Otherwise, you could be in for trouble. For example, have you ever worried about getting in your car, turning the key and having your car refuse to start because of a dead battery? We’re guessing you have. That’s why we decided to tell you all about the easiest ways to avoid a dead car battery.

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What to Look for When It Comes to Your Car’s Battery

Black and Red Battery cables

First and foremost, you’re going to want to always know your battery’s age. As you’d expect, an older battery is more likely to die on you. Most automotive batteries are good for three to five years, so be sure to keep that in mind as you drive. But the age of your battery isn’t the only thing you have to pay attention to, as there are also many signs of a dying battery to keep an eye out for. Things like slow engine cranking when you turn the key, dimmed headlights when your engine isn’t running and corrosion around the battery terminals are all signs of a battery that’s ready to be changed. Also, as strange as it may sound, regularly changing your oil is another easy way to keep an eye on your battery. That’s because most oil changes, including the ones here at the Akins Ford Service Department, include a battery test. Our certified technicians will report the findings of that test to you, and let you know the best path forward.

For more on maintaining your car’s battery, please contact the certified technicians here at Akins Ford near Atlanta, GA.