Front three-quarter view of the 2015 Jeep Wrangler parked

Can people hack into my Ford SYNC system?

Man working on the dashboardIn this age of privacy and technology, hacking is a very realistic threat that many are warned to take precautions against. This can include everything from changing your passwords regularly to completely going off the grid. Before the new age of technology, there were threats, but not as big as they seem to be now. For example, your mail could still get stolen, checks could be fraudulent and your identity can easily be stolen, however it seems that as modern technology advanced, the stakes are upped as far as what is stolen and how.

One thing that many drivers don’t think about is how to keep their infotainment systems safe. These systems are included in almost every new vehicle, and because they are synced with your cell phone, where most of your personal, valuable information is kept, these infotainment systems can be a festival for anyone looking to hack into your life.

Fortunately, no matter what goes on Ford is working on keeping drivers and their information safe and actually in past years invited hackers to try to enter systems to see where security flaws existed.

Another offshoot of hacking into a vehicle is entering its internal computer, as there are a number of overrides that can be performed, such as a brake disabling trick. While this may sound scary, the chances of your vehicle actually getting hacked into are quite slim, but with Ford SYNC’s latest update, those chances are even slimmer as it contains a number of updates including added safety and security on all fronts.

Something else to keep in mind is that no matter what, there is always a risk of driving a vehicle. The important thing is to keep your calm and remember to follow the rules of the road. There is always an avenue for error, no matter who or what is driving, but Ford is working diligently to keep drivers and passengers safe at all times.