Side View of the Ford Autonomous Vehicle

Ford Takes Strides Toward Its First Autonomous Vehicle

Right after flying cars, the autonomous vehicle is the top automotive dream of most science fiction fans (though car-based missiles like vehicles in action flicks like Bond films are close behind). While some car fan prefer the thrill of top power and handling at their finger tips, many commuters would be just as happy pushing a button and letting the car get them safely home. Well, Ford Motors has taken another step toward this dream with new autonomous vehicle testing on a tricked out Ford Fusion Hybrid.

Ford Autonomous Vehicle Testing

Next year, completely autonomous Ford Fusion Hybrids will be released onto select public Californian streets to test the real-world effectiveness of new autonomous technology. This is the next step in Ford’s autonomous vehicle development program. More than 100 engineers, researchers, and scientists work at the Ford Research and Innovation Center in Palo Alto, where new and old technology are united in the search for a car that will drive itself.

Read More: Ford MyKey Technology

LiDAR Sensing Technology on New Ford Autonomous Vehicles

What Technology Is Used on the Ford Autonomous Car?

While it can seem crazy that some day we will have cars that can drive themselves, much of the technology that goes into the Ford Autonomous vehicle relies on the same sensors and camera technology that we already use in other Ford driver assistance features. Using sensors (like those used in blind spot detection or parking assistance) the autonomous vehicle is able to develop a 360-degree view of the car’s environment and react appropriately to things like street signs, pedestrians, and other cars.

A series of camera sensors also allow the car to detect pedestrians and make split second decisions about the best and safest way to navigate. What today looks like a set of strange coke cans attached to the roof of a Ford Fusion may lead to the autonomous vehicles of tomorrow. While we’re not quite there yet, it’s exciting to see these new steps that Ford had taken toward the eventual goal of autonomous vehicles.

Side View of the Ford Autonomous Vehicle